fka Children's Services Packages
Supporting Multilingual Literacy in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)

Supporting Multilingual Literacy in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
Items in this suite of packages assist kindergartens to build and embed a library of multilingual and culturally rich resources to support children’s literacy development. Educators are supported by our pedagogy and practice consultants with advice and guidance about multilingual literacy in the learning environment. An annual fkaCS membership is included for select packages, which provides access to the Multicultural Resource Centre (MRC) library and full access to our Knowledge Hub. Package 3 also includes the Outreach Program, offering enhanced borrowing across four consultant curated packs per year. See our Membership benefits for more details.
Package Costs
- Package 1: Free
- A list of recommended bilingual and foreign language booksellers
- fkaCS Tip Sheet: Selecting Resources and Materials that Strengthen Social Inclusion
- Package 2: $275.00 (including GST)
- fkaCS membership (valid from July 01 to June 30 of the following year)
- Access to the Multicultural Resource Centre lending library and consultant support
- Discounts on fkaCS events, Yarn Strong Sista professional learning, Global Language Books, and select Cultural Infusion pre-primary programs (Education and Care Services memberships only)
- Package 3: $475.00 (including GST)
- fkaCS membership (valid from July 01 to June 30 of the following year)
- Discounts on fkaCS events, Yarn Strong Sista professional learning, Global Language Books, and select Cultural Infusion pre-primary programs (Education and Care Services memberships only)
- Access to the Multicultural Resource Centre lending library and consultant support
- One Outreach Program, valued at $200 (valid from July 01 to June 30 of the following year).
- Up to four tailored resources packages delivered to your service within the membership year
- Package 4: $1,980.00
- A two-hour facilitated learning session: Engaging in Emergent Literacy with Multilingual Children
- fkaCS Tip Sheets: Selecting Resources and Materials that Strengthen Social Inclusion and recommended bilingual and foreign language booksellers
- fkaCS Pedagogy & Practice Article: The Value of Storytelling for Children Learning English as an Additional Language
- fkaCS Assessment Tool: Evaluate current literature available to children and families
- Translated Family Information Sheet: Reading with Your Young Child (available in multiple languages)