Early childhood professionals use various techniques and tools to engage in reflective practice. This involves considering past and future actions, reflecting on implementation methods, and understanding the underlying reasons for choosing specific approaches. The Cultural Inclusion Reflective Practice Toolkit supports organisations in reflecting on their actions and making changes to improve their ability to deliver quality programs. Download our PDF to learn more.

Language, culture, and identity are closely intertwined. Current academic discussions emphasise that language encompasses more than just words, phrases, and sounds; it also shapes social interactions (Evans, 2014). Moreover, culture is not only intertwined with language but also embedded within it (Evans, 2014). Respecting children’s cultural identities, including their languages, is fundamental to culturally competent practice. Download our PDF for tips and strategies.

Curious about how to effectively support multilingual children and families in early childhood education? Learn the differences between interpreters, translators, and fkaCS Community Language Support Workers, and how they can enhance culturally inclusive practices in your service.

People face all sorts of barriers when accessing an early childhood education and care (ECEC) service. In particular children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds face attitudinal barriers which may include but are not limited to awareness and access barriers, communication and language barriers, structural barriers, trust/respect and identity barriers. Download the PDF and discover strategies to overcome potential barriers faced by multilingual children and families in ECEC.

fkaCS Community Language (Bilingual) Workers assist Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) staff by facilitating communication with children and families in their home language. These workers, employed by fkaCS and guided by consultants, help achieve the following outcomes:

Enhance Cultural Awareness: Enable the exchange of information between educators and parents about the child, family life, and participation in the learning environment.

Promote Identity and Wellbeing: Create an environment where the child’s home language is spoken, fostering a sense of identity, belonging, and wellbeing.

Support Educator-Child Relationships: Facilitate communication to strengthen connections between key educators and the child.

Encourage Peer Interaction: Support communication among children to enhance relationship-building and their sense of wellbeing.

Bridge Family Connections: Provide a shared language to facilitate communication between the service and families.

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