Our services

fkaCS provides professional learning, coaching, and resources to individual professionals and teams. Our services are designed in collaboration to ensure the tools and information we provide are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our consultants deliver onsite or online services and can adapt to staff availability. Speak to our experienced consultants to find out more.

Multicultural Resource Centre

The fkaCS Multicultural Resource Centre (MRC) lending library has been instrumental through years of collaboration with academics, educators, early childhood experts, and multilingual communities. The purpose of the MRC, since its establishment in 1974, has been to provide multilingual books, toys, tools, and resources to support our members in offering culturally rich and respectful curricula in line with the National Quality Framework.

Library shelves with books
Women worker helping small boy on laptop

Knowledge hub

We aim to provide information and resources to help early years professionals and educators excel, leading to sustained outcomes for children and families.

All fkaCS professional learning resources, including select materials in multiple languages, are underpinned by Approved Early Learning Frameworks and National Quality Standards.

Explore our resources or become a member for unlimited access.

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