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About Cultural Inclusion Support

fkaCS Cultural Inclusion Support deepens educators' capacity in the provision of culturally competent pedagogy and the ability to engage meaningfully with children and families for whom there is no shared language. 

The early years are recognised as the foundation years for children’s development. In particular, the first six years are crucial for young children in developing their first language and cultural identity. Secure and trusting relationships between children and early childhood professionals, including those who speak languages other than English, are essential for children to feel valued and accepted in all early childhood settings. Learning English as an additional language requires educators to think about the natural communication needs of children and the stages of second language acquisition.

fkaCS support is directly aligned with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) and the National Quality Standards, is underpinned by the United Nations Convention of the rights of the child, and covers:

  • WHY it is important to think about cultural inclusion;
  • WHAT needs to happen to provide and demonstrate culturally inclusive practice; and
  • HOW to implement changes in practice, reduce barriers to participation and celebrate our diverse community.

We will support you as you develop your cultural competence and an admiration of difference to ensure your pedagogy and practice respects multiple ways of being and understanding and children are supported in learning English as an additional language.

All Education and Care Services can access Cultural Inclusion Support. Click here to find out how.

We will work with you to develop a program of support that may include:

  • cultural inclusion action planning to identify the unintended barriers for CALD children’s and families active participation in education and care services;
  • the provision of a worker who speaks a community language;
  • culturally responsive curriculum and practice support;
  • understanding and connecting with your local community; and/or
  • onsite and group Professional Learning opportunities.