Action on Aboriginal Perspectives in Early Childhood (AAPEC) acknowledge the Wurundjeri and Boon wurrung peoples as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet.

We acknowledge the Elders of the Wurundjeri and Boon wurrung people past, present and emerging.

The Aboriginal members of AAPEC acknowledge the voices and actions of their Elders past and present as guiding and inspiring them on their journey towards social justice for Aboriginal children and their families.


AAPEC is a collective of people committed to embedding Aboriginal Perspectives in early childhood services with a focus on local Victorian cultures.

The group is made up of both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal early childhood professionals including:

  • An Aboriginal Elder
  • Kindergarten Teachers
  • University Professors and Lecturers
  • Centre-based Long Day Care Directors
  • TAFE Teachers
  • Educators and other professionals
  • Local Government representative.

Meeting once a term the group draws on the experience and expertise of its members to provide professional development and learning opportunities for early childhood services around embedding Aboriginal perspectives in the curriculum.

Possum Skin Pedagogy

In 2017 AAPEC gained a Warrawong Grant to develop The Possum Skin Pedagogy: A Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners. The document was authored by Dr Sue Lopez-Atkinson with support from a number of Victorian Elders, senior members of the Aboriginal community, SNAICC and the AAPEC Possum Skin sub-committee.

During final consultations with the Aboriginal participants, a repeated request was that the Possum Skin Pedagogy document be supported by focused professional development. This is particularly important as some of the narratives must be implemented alongside an Aboriginal Elder or community member.

This request has resulted in The Possum Skin Pedagogy Professional Learning Project which has been funded by The Association of Graduates in Early Childhood Studies (AGECS), coordinated and lead by AAPEC under the direction of Dr Sue Lopez-Atkinson.

Drawing on the findings of the Professional Learning Project an additional section to the guide that documents the journey and outcomes of the Learning Project had been produced.

On Friday 31 May 2019 at Coburg Civic Centre the Possum Skin Pedagogy: A Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners and Reflecting on the Possum Skin Learning Project: Journeys and Outcomes was launched.

In June 2020 the third installment of this publication, Possum Skin Pedagogy: A Chain of Allies in the Early Years Landscape was published.

Early Childhood Teachers and practitioners can download a free copy of the combined publications on the right hand site of this page.

Relationship with fka Childrens’ Services

The Board of fka Childrens’ Services is committed to working in solidarity with AAPEC.

Former fkaCS President, Denise Rundle, is a member of AAPEC and contributes her expertise as an experienced Kindergarten Teacher with strong connections to the local Aboriginal community. She has presented at Professional Learning opportunities and, alongside the staff team, opened Boroondara Kindergarten after hours as a demonstration model of good practice.

fkaCS Executive Director, Melodie Davies, also attends meetings and fkaCS provides in-kind administrative support including registration and booking procedures for participants, some desktop publishing and word processing of resources and handouts for no fee.

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