Relocation Update: We’re moving in the first week of November, Monday 31 October to Friday 4 November.
Our address may be changing (see below) but all other contact details will remain the same:
Phone (03) 9428 4471
Our new address:
FKA Children's Services
42 Dight St
Collingwood VIC 3066
Aside from the temporary Multicultural Resource Centre closure we will be responding to all ‘business as usual’ requests, such as Bicultural and Bilingual Support, Consultancy and Customised Professional Learning.
As you can imagine, we may experience some reduced capacity during the relocation which may cause some unavoidable delays in responding to queries. We will do our best to ensure all queries are responded to as promptly as possible. We thank you for your patience during this time.
We’ll let you know as soon as we’re settled in and up and running!
Kind regards,
The team at fkaCS
Date published: 20.10.2016
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