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News & Events

Narragunnawali Award: Nomination submissions closing 16th July 2017

Do you know of a school or early learning service that is doing inspirational work towards reconciliation? 

Two national awards, one for early learning services and one for schools, will be awarded by Reconciliation Australia to recognise exceptional commitment to reconciliation in the classroom, around the school or early learning service, and with the community. Award winners will be acknowledged for the inspirational work that they are doing to increase knowledge and respect for the histories and cultures of Australia’s First Peoples, and will receive a fully funded celebratory event in the school or early learning service for the whole community to enjoy.

Any school or early learning service that has commenced or completed a Narragunnawali Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) can be nominated for the Awards. Nominations must be supported and endorsed by the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

With nomination submissions closing on 16th July 2017, visit the Narragunnawali platform to download an Information Pack and Nomination Form today


Source: AAPEC Group via email. Accessed 11/07/2017 

Date published: 11.7.2017

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