2024-09-19 0:53:16

News & Events

Understanding and Implementing Authentic Cultural Inclusion: Remote Workshop

Remote Workshop

Session Date and Time:

19.5.2020 – 19.5.2020
Tuesday, 9:30am - 11:30am


Remote, via Zoom!


$90 - $150

For more information contact:

  03 9428 4471  |  culturalinclusion@fka.org.au



How do we avoid cultural tokenism in Early Childhood? Who decides what is important? And who does it benefit?

The VEYLDF (2016, p. 11) states that Educators should strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all families are encouraged to participate in and contribute to experiences that enhance children’s learning and development.

This professional Learning session is designed to support Early Childhood Professionals develop answers to some of the curlier questions around culturally respectful and responsive practice.

In this workshop we will discuss:

  • Communication: How to respectfully and meaningfully gather information and understandings from families and community.

  • Collaboration: Including everybody’s ‘normal’; how we ensure that the individual cultural identities of all children are represented meaningfully within the environment.

  • Celebrations: Looking at ways to create a sense of fun, belonging and respect.

Remote learning: Due to the current protective measures of social distancing, this session – initially scheduled to be delivered in Geelong – will now be delivered online, via Zoom. You can continue to engage in professional development from the comfort of your home and/or service!

How will this work? Our remote sessions will be shorter than face-to-face delivery, with pre-reading/resources provided prior to the session, and individual support after the session to implement your learning in your context.

What you need: Our training will be delivered via Zoom. We recommend using a computer for this program however you can also access it via a mobile or tablet device. Once you have created a free account, you can join a meeting by downloading the Zoom application or visiting the Zoom website. Further instructions for using Zoom will be emailed to you on registration.



Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST):
1.3 Learners with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds: Design and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learning strengths and needs of learners from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds.

National Quality Standards:
1.1.1 Child Centred: Each child’s current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program.
6.1.2 Parents views are respected and supported: The expertise, culture, values and beliefs of families are respected and families share in decision-making about their child’s learning and wellbeing.

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