2024-09-19 1:59:21

Building your Capacity: Cultural and Social Inclusion

In recognition of the importance of cultural inclusion in responding to and celebrating the diverse needs of the Victorian Community, fka Children’s Services (fkaCS) is privileged to be included on the menu of evidence as part of the Victorian Governments School Readiness initiative.

Support Available

Our School Readiness Program packages of support afford us the opportunity to work alongside Kindergartens to design a program of work that will support their needs and those of the children and families in their community.

fkaCS offers a holistic program of support that covers:

  • WHY it is important to think about cultural inclusion (including the relationship to the VEYLDF);
  • WHAT needs to happen to provide and demonstrate culturally inclusive practice; and
  • HOW to implement changes in practice, reduce barriers to participation and celebrate our diverse community.

We work with kindergartens to apply critical reflection and thinking to practice at:

  • Service level (e.g. policies); to ensure inclusion and equity.
  • Curriculum level; to ensure each child is supported to actively participate in the program, exercise agency and develop confidence as learners - strong in their identity, wellbeing and connectedness to community - and is supported to learn English as an additional language.
  • Relationship level; with families and children to ensure respectful, responsive and trusting relationships to support a sense of belonging.
  • Personal level; to explore their own world view and enhance positive attitudes to differences.

Packages and Costings

fkaCS appreciate timelines are short for kindergartens submitting Annual Plans, so a series of Cultural Inclusion Support Packages have been designed. We recommend that Kindergartens consider the outcome they are working towards in regards to their culturally inclusive and responsive practice, have an idea of the amount of funding they are willing to commit to fkaCS support packages and speak with an fkaCS Practice and Pedagogy Consultant who can unpack your needs and design a program of work that meets these.

There are no travel costs associated with our programs of support, and in cases where onsite support is not available, all fkaCS support can be transitioned online.

Contact Us

  • For services who are planning support, we encourage you to contact fkaCS to discuss your needs: 9428 4471 | culturalinclusion@fka.org.au
  • For services who have included fkaCS on their plan and have had that plan approved, please contact fkaCS to discuss your schedule of support: 9428 4471 | culturalinclusion@fka.org.au

View our SRF Menu Items below!

fkaCS Support on the Menu of Evidence

fka Children's Services Cultural Inclusion Support Packages

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Programs under this menu item are designed to support kindergartens develop and embed a cultural inclusion strategy to ensure their pedagogy and practice respects multiple ways of being and understanding, and children are supported in learning English as an additional language.

fkaCS will work with each kindergarten service or group of services to develop an agreed program of support that may include one or more of the following supports:

  • cultural inclusion action planning to identify the unintended barriers for children's and family's active participation in education and care services;
  • the provision of a worker who speaks a community language (this support can be delivered onsite with children, or online with key educators to support embedding home languages in the learning environment, or support educators in their understanding of children's bilingual identities)
  • culturally responsive curriculum and practice program design and implementation
  • support in developing communication and engagement tools and strategies
  • online or onsite individual or group coaching and mentoring
  • group or self-paced professional facilitated learning opportunities.

2024 Package Costs (Incl. GST)

Package 1: $1,625.00

Package 2: $3,250.00

Package 3: $4,875.00

Package 4: $6,500.00

Bespoke Packages: If you have an amount that doesn’t align to the above pre-priced packages, we can design a program to meet your funding allocation.

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Supporting Multilingual Literacy in ECEC

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Under this menu item services can develop a library of bilingual or foreign-language books to support bilingual and multilingual children's literacy development, engage in facilitated learning about supporting multilingual literacy in the learning environment and become fkaCS members and access our Multicultural Resource Centre for access to a range of resources and books on a rotational basis. Services can select to engage in facilitated learning to support building their capacity providing language and literacy environments.

2024 Package Costs (Incl. GST)

Package 1: FREE

Includes a list of recommended bilingual and foreign language booksellers and fkaCS Tip Sheet: Selecting Resources and Materials that Strengthen Social Inclusion.

Package 2: $275.00

fkaCS membership, allowing access to exclusive fkaCS member resources, discounted attendance at fkaCS training and events and access to the Multicultural Resource Centre (MRC) lending library. fkaCS' membership runs from July 1 through to June 30 each year.

Package 3: $475.00

fkaCS membership and a Multicultural Resource Centre Outreach Program that supports services by providing a rotational library, where a range of library resources are sent directly to the service four times per year.

Package 4: $1,950.00

Engaging in Emergent Literacy with Multilingual Children' Includes:

  • the 'Establishing your bilingual library' electronic resource
  • a list of fkaCS recommended bilingual and foreign-language booksellers
  • 'The Value of Storytelling for Children Learning English as an Additional Language' Pedagogy and Practice Sheet and 'Selecting Children's Books and Materials' auditing tool for services to evaluate current literature available to children and families
  • Family information sheet 'Reading with Your Young Child', available in community languages
  • a two-hour facilitated learning session on 'Engaging in Emergent Literacy with Multilingual Children'
  • a list of fkaCS-recommended bilingual and foreign language book titles services can use as a guide when purchasing items to build their bilingual library.


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fkaCS Cultural Inclusion Reflective Practice Toolkit

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The fkaCS Cultural Inclusion Reflective Practice Toolkit provides kindergarten services with resources that support reflection on culturally inclusive and responsive practices.

The Cultural Inclusion Reflective Practice Toolkit includes 20 provocation cards to support teachers to reflect-for-action and instigate changes in practice that builds on their capacity to deliver kindergarten programs that are culturally inclusive and responsive to the learning community participating in the kindergarten context. The provocation cards included in the toolkit can be used as a group reflection tool in staff meetings or individually as part of educators’ ongoing critically reflective practice. fkaCS will facilitate a 1.5-hour learning session, using a train-the-trainer model, to demonstrate how to use the provocation cards and toolkit effectively.

2024 Package Cost (Incl. GST)


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fkaCS Orientation and Engagement Kit

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The fkaCS Orientation and Engagement Kit is a resource that aims to build the capacity of early childhood services to support all children and families develop a genuine connection to the early childhood service at the time of orientation. The resource is designed to equip educators with skills to facilitate families and children to share their identity and culture as well as build an understanding of the kindergarten service context.

The base package includes:

  • ‘All About Kinder’ Social Script in 3 languages and English
  • ‘All About Me’ Social Script in 3 languages and English
  • Early Childhood Professionals Guide: Developing Meaningful and Responsive Orientation Practices
  • Translated resource for families in 3 languages and English:
    • Learning Through Play
    • Maintaining your Family Language[s]
    • Supporting your Child’s Orientation in Early childhood Education and Care Services
  • fkaCS-facilitated coaching session: Planning for Meaningful Orientation (virtual or onsite participation)

2024 Base Package Cost (Incl. GST)


Optional Add on’s (Incl. GST):

  • Additional languages and translations (optional): $325.00 per language
  • Staff photograph update (optional): $65.00
  • fkaCS printing, binding and postage to the kindergarten service (optional): $325.00 per 60 copies*

*This service includes the printing of both social scripts, where 60 social scripts printed would consist of 30 copies of the ‘All About Kinder’ Social Script and 30 copies of the ‘All About Me’ Social Script.

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