2024-09-19 1:57:18


fka Children’s Services (fkaCS) advocates for children’s cultural and linguistic rights and provides support to education and care services in the provision of culturally rich environments that support a civil society.

Our vision is for all children to actively participate in quality education and care services that recognise, value, and embed difference and diversity.

fkaCS began as the Free Kindergarten Union (FKU) in 1908. The FKU was at the forefront of the early childhood education movement and had a major role in instigating many significant early childhood initiatives including the establishment of the first Kindergarten Teachers College (now part of Melbourne University), the formation of a national association for early childhood (which evolved to Early Childhood Australia) and were the original trustees for the Lady Gowrie Centre in Victoria in the late 1930s.

Today, in its 114th year, fkaCS continues to advocate for children’s cultural and linguistic rights and provides professional development and support to education and care services in the provision of culturally rich environments that reflect a civil society. The fkaCS board comprises early childhood teachers, academics, benevolent and welfare societies and multicultural advocates.


Board of Management

Governor of Victoria, Her Excellency Professor the
Honourable Margaret Gardner AC
Roslyn Cornish President
Vanessa Field Vice President
Rakhi Khanna Treasurer
Julie Brooks Secretary
Hodan Abi Board Member
Karla Coombes Board Member
Melinda Ackerman Board Member
Dr Wendy Roberts Board Member


Life Members
Dr P. Clarke Mr G. Kelso  Ms B. Romeril
Ms. K. Coombes  Dr A. Kennedy Mr E. Rush
Mr L. Cox Mrs P. Montgomery Ms D. Rundle
Mr J. Emerson Miss H. Moorhead Ms R. Waite
Mrs G. Johnson Ms B. Pasqua  
Mrs G. Kelso Mr I. Renard   
Friends of fka Children’s Services
Mrs Gillian Beddington Mrs Esma Kelso Ms Gwenda Martin
Mrs Judith Cutler Ms Marion Lang  Mrs Joan Waters 
Mrs June Danks  Ms Shirley Lancaster  Mrs Kay Withell 
...and other Friends of fka Children’s Services who wish to remain anonymous.